Millennia of historical and empirical data.

Principle of Herbal Medicine Formulae
In Traditional Eastern Medicine, each of the constituting herbs in a formula is classified into any one of the four classifications: King (군), Vassal (신), Assistant (좌), and Delivery servant(사).
The King(군) herb(s) exhibits significant pharmacological activity.
The Vassal (신) aids the King herbs' action through synergistic activities, or by exhibiting another pharmacological activity in organs.
The Assistant (좌) performs a detoxifying activity.
The Delivery servant (사) helps transport the active components of the King and the Vassal herbs.

is engineered to enhance the organ functions like the liver, kidneys, stomach, and brain to outsmart hangover symptoms and increase your alcohol tolerances.
is engineered to remove excessive heat from your intestine to help moisten the stool and stimulate circulation & movement.

Laxatives and stool softeners are temporary solutions that can exacerbate your conditions over time.